Facebook Ads Course

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I am so excited to finally launch my online Facebook Ads course.. it’s been a lonngg time coming. I’ve talked about doing it for so long and finally, in the middle of a global pandemic, during lockdown I finally sat down and started to put it together.

I spent months talking about creating a course back in 2019, and it wasn’t until I realised during lockdown, that small businesses really need help with their online presence and I know first hand the impact that Facebook Ads can have, even at a tiny budget of £3 a day lol – (That’s another story of how I started I’ll share with you sometime)

I have ran successful Facebook Ads for my own business and for clients across different industries for a few years now and I found myself constantly turning away work because I simply didn’t have the time. I couldn’t help everyone. And it was stressing me out having to say no all the time.

It wasn’t until I took on a new client at the start of the pandemic, and we managed to increase their monthly sales from £30-£40k a month to consecutive £90k months the moment we introduced Facebook Ads to their business. And I realised that more people need this help with their business now more than ever!

So I decided to finally commit to making my Facebook Ads Course. I decided to give it a go, I put out some feelers on my brand new Instagram Account back in April 2020 on @taylor.onlinemarketing and the response was crazy. SIX months later and it finally launched on 30th October 2020 – and I couldn’t be happier that I stuck with it and produced a service that will actually help small businesses.

Facebook Ads are pretty straightforward. I’m not a marketing guru or anything, I just understand how to use the data that Facebook hands me on a plate and figure out how to make sales. Ads can be simple.
– Nieve Taylor

Ads Can Be Simple

I obviously didn’t want this to be just any old Facebook Ads Course, cause there’s millions out there. Some great, some good, and some that dance around what you actually need to do to run successful & profitable Ads.

To me, Facebook Ads are pretty straightforward. I’m not a marketing guru or anything. I just understand how to use the data that Facebook hands me on a plate and figure out how to make sales. Ads can be simple. And that is what I want to show and teach you on my course.

So my aim, is to get away from all the marketing jargon & confusion and show you all of Facebooks amazing features that they have for you to use. Target your warm audiences, find brand new customers, and not avoid what many marketers avoid and give honest strategies that will actually help you manage your budget and understand how to actually scale your Facebook Ads.

This course will ONLY show you the strategies and methods I have used and learned over the years that have generated hundreds of thousands of pounds for both my own business and my clients. If I can do it, you absolutely can too.

So if you’re ready to learn how to run successful and profitable Facebook Ads, and trust me to show and teach you – then I can’t wait to have you enrol on my online course.

If not, not a problem at all.. stay up to date on all my latest on my Instagram Account here for social media marketing tips, plenty of pictures of coffee and current client and student wins 

2020 has been a strange strange year, but it’s the year I finally pushed myself and started helping small businesses on a much bigger scale and I’m honestly so proud to say that. Thank you for being a part of my Taylor Marketing journey. It’s been incredible so far and I’m just getting started.

Much love,

Nieve xo


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