Facebook Ad Budgets

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Facebook Ad Budgets – Where to start..

Do you need a BIG budget to get decent results on your Facebook Ad Campaigns?

I get asked this… almost every day..

To answer this in short. No. 

A lot of people think they need to be spending £100’s a day in order to get results in order for Facebook Ads to benefit them. 

That’s simply not the case. 

£3 Facebook Ad Budget A Day

I laugh about it now, but I started running Ads for my E-commerce business at £3 a day. And we had results consistently ever since because I focused on my warmest of leads/ audiences. Averaging from the start at roughly £4-5 per purchase with a 6x ROAS (return on ad investment) 

And as I understood how to run and set up my ads I was able to stick at £3 per day and increase my ROAS to average out at 9x (this was in the early days when I was still figuring it all out) 

So you don’t need to have a HUGE budget to get results. 

You can start running ads, like myself at a super low cost and still get results. 

Does Facebook reward you when you spend more?

Well, yeah.. sometimes. 


Don’t think you need to WAIT until you have a Big Budget – Get Started Today!


But that doesn’t mean you need to need to go all in and spend your months budget in your first week. You figure out what works, what doesn’t.. scale up on what’s working and scale back on what’s not. 

It doesn’t need to be hard. Or expensive. 

What I would say, is that after years of experience I have found when starting off it’s good to start a £5 a day (instead of my wee £3 a day) per ad set. 

I teach all this in my course. How to budget. How to manage. And how to get real results for your course. Let me show you how you can calculate your budgets, scale them forward and scale them back when you need to. 

I teach you how to calculate your Facebook Ad Budget that is both AFFORDABLE & PROFITABLE for your business.

In the course I dedicate a video training to teach you how to calculate and figure out your budget that is both affordable and profitable for you. How to scale, how to calculate your target cost per purchase/ conversion/ lead etc.   

So what are you waiting for? Start running Facebook Ads now for your business and start to get Real results, without the need for crazy high budgets.  


Especially now you know you don’t need a HUGE budget to get results. 


>>Sign Up To The Facebook Ads Course<<


If you have any questions about the course or if it’s right for you, always send me a message either on InstagramFacebook or email me here: nieve.taylormarketing@gmail.com


I’d love to hear from you 


P.s If you send me a DM I might have a few discount codes that will SAVE you £200 on the course 😍


Why my ‘customer journey’ was costing me money.


Facebook Ads Course