The latest 2024 Ads trend - Turn your reels and video content into visibility Facebook ads and increase your online visibility with very little effort and very little ad spend 🙌


INSTAVISIBILITY is a brand new mini ads course, perfect for those that are struggling for their content to be seen right now in 2024! Showing you a style of campaign and way of running ads that can grow your audiences fast on the meta platforms, at a really low cost!

✔️ Perfect if you’re brand new to paid ads (minimal tech set up and can launch these ads in minutes!)

✔️ If you want your content that you’re already making, to get in front of ideal, new audiences that are PERFECT for your business!

✔️ Great to start with if you have a low ad spend, you can launch visibility ads at only £3 per day!

✔️ An EASY way to fuel your manychat automation if you’re already using it for your organic socials

Low Reach? Getting Fed up with Instagram?

It’s no secret that being ‘seen’ online in 2024 is feeling harder and you can see it in your stats too.

It’s harder to get your reels thousands of views like before, harder to reach NEW audiences, and not only that - but you are struggling to get your content & offer SEEN by your existing followers.

There’s an EASY and FAST way to fix this.

And no, it’s not going ‘faceless’, it’s also not about throwing some trending audio on top of your content, and the answer also isn’t ‘make more content’ in the hope of going viral 🥱

The easiest way, that takes pressure OFF you constantly creating new content, and will help your current content be seen more = Visibility Ads

This new 2024 Facebook Ads Course will help any business, whether selling products or services online GET VISIBLE ONLINE, FAST.

Social Media Platforms are nosier than ever, and it’s harder for businesses to stand out.

This is why I’m going to teach you how to use your current content to:

✅ Get SEEN by more of your existing followers

✅ Get your content in front of NEW and IDEAL audiences

✅ Bonus: I’m also going to teach you how to FUEL your manychat automations to increase sales and lead magnet opt-ins!

And you simply do this by turning your existing, and future REEL content, into visibility ads 🥳




First I’ll break down what Visibility Ads are, and how to turn your Reels into visibility ads so you can get your content in front of the RIGHT people that aren’t in your world yet. Learn how to use Facebook’s features to find new audiences that are the perfect fit for your business and offer. After this module you’ll have your existing reels in front of NEW ideal audiences. RESULT 🤜


This is perfect for you if you feel that your existing followers simply aren’t seeing your reels right now. Easy Peasy - let’s get your reels in front of your existing followers, people that have engaged with either your Facebook or Instagram Page as far back as the last 365 days!


If you’re already using ManyChat (a paid chat software that honestly EVERYONE should be using right now) then I’ll show you how to get MORE people commenting and DMing your trigger word so you can increase your leads and sales with your chat automation.


For this mini ads course, we aren’t just boosting posts (because when we boost we can’t find winning and losing ads) so you will need to create your Facebook Ads Manager and link your Facebook and Instagram Business profile so you can launch your visibility ads (and more importantly understand what’s working)

The bonus module shows you how to quickly and easily set this up (ps your ads manager is free to set up)

Setting up your Visibility Ads is as simple as…

What do you need to launch your Visibility Ads?

✅ Your Facebook Ads Manager

✅ Connect your IG & FB Business Page to your Ad Account

✅ Your existing reels content

For these ads you don’t need to set up your pixel, or any advanced tech, you can get started FAST so long as you have reels and content ready 🙌

(There is a bonus module showing you how to set this up if you haven’t already)

“I love that my audiences are growing every day!”

Olivia Bossert is a fashion photographer and also and also offers Fashion Photography Education and has been using Visibility Ads for her accounts and here’s why she’s loving this low effort strategy:

I love that I can repurpose the content that I’ve already made. I’m lazy - so if I can re-use something then that’s great for me! What I love is I can see what’s resonating with my audience organically - and then I re-use those bits of content for my ads.

Feels like an easy way to launch ads when I’m low on time/ tired but still want to be visible and have content out there. I’m still visible 24/7 even when I’m busy on photoshoot days or heavy editing days!

The fact I can pull them through from Instagram and not have to write any ads - its perfect for me when I don’t have time. It’s super fast and I love having them run ALL the time, even when my budget is small.

I love that my audiences are growing every day - my followers have definitely gone up, and it’s taken the pressure off me to post every single day!”

You put time, energy, effort and sometimes money into making your reels..

So why are you only using them once?

Think about it, so many people create a Reel, for it to maybeee reach 3000 views, and then it’s forgotten about?!

Tha't’s CRAZY to me!

No wonder people are feeling pressure to post NEW content every single day, feeling pressure to ‘show up’ online and feel like the answer to more visibility is more content 🙈

Turn your Reels, that you’re already making - into Visibility Ads so they can get seen again, and again, and again.