BTS Activate Your Ads 🎬

I always like to ‘see’ what I get when it comes to signing up to an online course to make sure it’s right for me - so here’s a quick BTS of Activate Your Ads, what the portal looks like and how this self-paced Facebook Ads Course is set up so you actually watch AND take action towards launching YOUR Faceboko & IG Ads 🚀

Right now, you might be feeling the pressure to create new content every day, ‘show up’ online, trying to grow your audiences but getting nowhere - all on top of running your business and selling your products and services.

👉 You’re struggling to be SEEN by new audiences and ideal customers and clients.

👉 You aren’t retargeting your almost customers, or getting back in front of your hottest leads.

👉 You didn’t start a business to create content every day and now have social media burnout.

You’re ready to automate your marketing so you can have consistent, predictable and record-breaking months..

In this step-by-step online learning experience, you’ll be guided by Facebook™️ Ads Specialist Nieve Taylor, as she teaches you how to use social media ads to generate consistent sales for your business.

Nieve covers the Facebook Foundations you NEED in place before you spend a penny on ads, shows you how to Access your best Audiences, covers the Winning Ad Formula, and how to make data-driven decisions in metrics that matter.

Created for those who are finally ready to understand how to unlock the power of Facebook™️ & Instagram Advertising for their business. No matter your level right now - Activate Your Ads will help launch winning ads with confidence!

“The best investment for my business - as a social media manager I seen the need to offer ads management as a service and knew Nieve was the go-to to learn!

I have now managed over 10+ ads manager accounts and brought in thousands of pounds for small local businesses - a total transformation in my confidence, and no longer shooting in the dark but running profitable Facebook Ads!”

Tori - Social Media Manager

You’re tired of posting every single day in order to get sales..

👉 You already have a product, offer or service that’s selling through your social media, and current website traffic - so you’re ready to amplify what you’re doing with Facebook Ads.

👉 You have a budget of at least £500 per month that you can afford to invest and you’re willing to spend on your paid ad strategy.

👉 You’re growing online strategically and you’re in a position to introduce a paid ads strategy to your long term growth plan.

👉 You know your customer avatar and know about them, their pain points and what they’re interested in - which means you’ll be able to find them with ads!

👉 You’re ready to make sales in your sleep, on holiday or simply enjoying some time off chilling and watching Netflix

👉 You’ve drained your funnel dry, and now you’re ready to fill it every day with new dream customers and clients so you have new opportunities to sell daily.

Meet your guide, Nieve 👋

Hi, I’m Nieve Taylor

Hey there! I’m an Irish, cold water dipping, trash tv junkie, ice-cream loving, travel obsessed, marketing girlie who is on a mission to help and empower business owners and digital marketers change businesses and lives with Facebook Ads.

I’ll be your guide taking you through this Facebook™️ Ads course! I’ve worked with 100’s of businesses and marketing agencies around the world over the last 7+ years.

Through Facebook Ads I’ve generated millions of pounds & tripled sales growth for clients (in both the service and e-commerce industries) I’ve helped all types of professionals from solopreneurs to small business owners scale their business through social media marketing, and now… it’s YOUR turn 💰

I know exactly what business owners and solopreneurs struggle with when it comes to Facebook™️ Ads, I’ve been there! Not knowing how to set up your ads, worrying if they’ll ever work, overwhelmed with ads manager and how to know if your ads are actually working. You’re NOT alone!

The reason I created this course was because I was turning away potential clients on a daily basis. I don’t have staff, or a team behind me - and when businesses started seeing my ad results they wanted to hire me! But being at full capacity for 4+ years now I decided to create the perfect course for you to get started with Facebook™️ Ads, that actually capture and convert sales for your business 💸

This might be how you’re feeling right now..

  • You’re fed up posting to the same 8 people on Instagram that have either bought from you.. or they never will.

  • Maybe you feel like Ads are a waste of money + your time

  • Feeling pressure that you have to post on social media every single day in order to get sales

  • You’re wanting to get OFF Instagram so you can either create Freedom for yourself or so you can spend your time doing what you love

  • You’re exhausted chasing and hopping onto trends, trying to ‘figure out’ the ever changing algorithm so you can have your viral moment you’ve been promised by the gurus

  • You want a crystal clear step-by-step strategy that will work for YOUR business in today’s world without the faff and BS🤫

  • You KNOW you’ll get more sales IF ONLY your business and offers where seen by the ‘right people’

NO ONE can outwork ads.

It’s time to welcome your newest hardest working employee that works 24/7 for you and doesn’t need holidays or Bank Holidays Off!

Doubting if this is for you? Can you really do this?

Let me answer these doubts you might have rn, I’ve heard from previous members before they invested in themselves, their business and their future!

Big Doubt #1

I hear this ALL THE TIME. Paid ads actually give you back TIME, not take it away from you. Within a couple of hours of enrolling you could have your first Facebook Ads Campaign LIVE. And all you need is less than 15 minutes a day to check in on them. Ads save you time. Not take it away from you.

Did You Know: You can check, tweak and update your revenue generating ads FASTER than it takes for you to put together an Instagram reel or TikTok that MIGHT NOT EVEN get you 1,000 views - I know where I’d be choosing to spend my time.

“I don’t have time to learn and manage my own ads”

Big Doubt #2

“I won’t be able to get the results that an ads expert would be able to get for me”

Ok, the amount of business owners that I’ve worked with that have been able to double their return on ad spend compared to the ‘experts’ they hired - is shocking.

Nobody knows your business like you do, nobody knows your customers like you do - and having that knowledge is how you’ll be able to produce better results than any ads manager because you’ll know:

1) where to find your dream customers and where they hang out and..
2) you’ll know their pain points to write the BEST messaging that will stop their scroll and convert to a customer 💸

“I can’t see my ads bringing in a 5x ROAS”

Big Doubt #3

With an attitude like that, yeah you won’t.

On average over 170+ members have launched their ads and seen at least a 5x ROAS - what that means, for every £1 spent on average they’ve generated £5 back in sales… you too could launch your very own Facebook Ads Sales Machine following my signature ads programme🔥

So long as you have a proven offer, product or service - Facebook Ads will AMPLIFY what you’re doing right now. If you’re selling now, ads will add that fuel to the fire and help you sell MORE 🔥

✔️ Finally see sales in your ads manager dashboard daily from your ads and start to increase your ad budget with confidence

✔️ Whip up your ads campaign in less than 20 minutes from start to finish 🔥

✔️ Learn a rinse & repeat strategy that can be used to fill your funnel with dream customers that convert

✔️ Make sales while you sleep, while you’re offline - multiply your sales as you regain hours of time back each week

✔️ Run your ads with confidence and never feel like you’re gambling with your ad spend - ever!

✔️ You’re getting better results than the person you hired because you know your business and your audience better than anyone

Activate Your Ads - Eliminate the guesswork and get ready to..

Promise 1

Get results with small beginner budgets from as little as £300 p/m

Promise 2

Follow a proven step-by-step strategy that has worked for 100’s of businesses this year alone.

Promise 3

Create ads like a pro that convert and grow your business - FAST

Unlike other Facebook Ad Courses…

That teach usually what works for them, or worked for them in the past which is often outdated 😬 - Activate Your Ads helps you identify YOUR winning ads and scale them to success. Across many different industries. Helping start-ups, small businesses and large businesses WIN with THEIR paid ads.

I KNOW how overwhelming Facebook Ads can be, trust me when I started years ago it took me one FULL DAY to launch my first ever Facebook Ad Campaign (something that now takes less than 20 mins) So I know how important it is to have a course that is jargon-free simplified ads education that you’ll actually understand and be able to implement.

Business Owner

is this you?

  • You’re getting sales organically - but you’re ready for more - you have the space, capacity, products and you’re ready to get in front of more people

  • You’re investing a lot of time and energy to creating and posting content and now it’s time to grow faster and increase your web traffic - fast

    You maybe worked with an ‘expert’ in the past and you didn’t see results and would rather learn yourself, take control and scale with ads

  • You’re feeling stuck - limited - hit a ceiling - and simply need more sales!!

  • What you’re doing now is only taking you so far - you have a budget and ready to speed up your marketing process

  • You have someone hired right now managing your marketing, and you want to invest in a course you TRUST to train them up so they can manage your ads for you.

Digital Marketer

or maybe this is you?

  • Maybe you’re a SMM, a web designer, digital agency or maybe even a VA

  • You’re getting asked by clients, and new enquiries every single week to launch ads

    You’ve dabbled before - but not confident enough to charge as a service and want to make sure you’re doing the very best for your client and their ad spend

  • You want to add it on as a bolt on to help grow your client’s business and revenue

  • You’re ready to scale your own business, and add £1000’s of revenue per month to your own accounts!

  • You’re never falling behind - you’re continuously investing in ups-killing/ staying up to date with marketing trends and proven strategies

Make MORE online sales from your social media ads than ever, and spend less time on socials.

It’s a Win Win with the Winning Ads Formula 🏆

Check out just a few of the WINS from Activate Your Ads Members 👇

Four Ways Activate Your Ads will generate more leads + sales for your business in the next 30 days..

  • Facebook™️ Foundations

    Learn how to set up your business manager, ads manager, install the powerful pixel and get all your settings RIGHT before you launch any ads. These settings are more important than ever after the iOS 15 updates.

  • Access Your Audiences

    Not only will you learn how to retarget your best audiences like your website visitors or Instagram followers, you’ll learn how to find brand new audiences that are simply perfect for your business, and use Facebook™️ Ads to bring them into your funnel.

  • Winning Ad Formula

    Learn exactly how to set up your Facebook™️ Ads so that you NEVER feel like you’re gambling your marketing budget again. Facebook Ads is about buying data, and making data-driven decisions - this formula makes this process easy for you to get results!

  • Metrics that Matter

    Metrics that Matter

    Learn how to budget and get started from just £10 per day. Discover how to create your data-driven-dashboard so you can focus on the metrics that matter, and skip the vanity metrics that don’t help when it comes to managing your ads performance.

activate your ads TODAY

Lifetime Access to the Activate Your Ads Curriculum. A step by step, easy to follow course that will have you launching your Facebook Ads in just a couple of hours (value £1997) 

The Winning Ads Formula In Action: Unlock The Winning Ads Formula so you never feel like gambling with ad budget ever again! 

Join over 250+ Members that are WINNING with their Facebook & IG Ads 💸


£1495 £595

 And if you’re still not sure…

Here’s some Frequently Asked Questions (I always check this part too)

  • Yes 100%. This programme is perfect for the absolute beginner and also those that have 'dabbled' in Facebook Ads as well.

  • No you don't need to have a huge budget for success when it comes to Facebook Ads. Budgeting is covered in the programme and we talk you through how to get results without breaking the bank. I do recommend only signing up when you can afford at least £300 per month on your ads.

  • When you sign up you get 12 months access to the video trainings. Sign up today and get instant access to the programme.

  • You can launch your ads in as little as 7 days. The video trainings are short and concise.

    But the course is self paced so no pressure to get through it in 7 days. Work a pace that suits and works for you.

    Some members complete and launch in a matter of hours from signing up, and others launch within a week, two weeks and sometimes a month after signing up. You dictate your pace.

  • Activate your Ads is a self paced online programme. If you need 1-1 support with technical issues, your own Facebook Ad strategy, or with your offer - then you can book out 1-1 support calls with Nieve at an additional cost.

  • This course was designed to help e-commerce businesses, service based businesses and to support digital marketers to help them launch ads for their clients.

    Types of businesses that have signed up and are winning with their ads include:

    • Personal Trainers and Gyms

    • Bridal Stores

    • Removal Businesses

    • Business Coaches

    • Local Artists

    • Social Media Managers

    • Digital VA’s

    • Online Clothing Boutique

    • Male Fitness Clothing Brands

    • Gym Equipment Specialists

    • Make-Up Artists

    • Removals Companies

    • Online Pet Stores

    • Jewellery Brands

    • Fast Food Chains

    • Digital Marketing Agencies..

    Just to name a few at the top of my head!