How to: Set up two-factor authentication for Instagram and Facebook

Here’s a breakdown of the training video above so you can skip to the part that you need:

Start - 1:27:06 - Introduction

1:28 - 3:32 - Instagram Business Set up 2FA

3:33 - 4:16 - Free Google Authenticator App (both android + iOS)

4:17 - 5:57 - Set up 2FA inside Facebook Business Manager

5:58 - 9:25 - Facebook Business Manager - Add Backup Admin

9:26 - 11:39 - Set up Facebook 2FA on a personal account

Protect Your Social Media Accounts

Unfortunately it’s becoming increasingly popular that businesses are losing access to their business social media accounts and advertising accounts because of the increase of hackers getting into their accounts (quite easily)

There are a few things you can do to protect your assets - with obvious actions that I still want to point out like:

  • Be very cautious of all emails, text messages when it’s an unknown sender

  • Remain cautious of emails and requests from even known senders, they may have been hacked

  • Make sure you change your password frequently, and vary your passwords across different platforms and softwares.

But the main reason why you’re here, is because there are two other important steps you can take to protect your Instagram and Facebook business accounts.

  1. Set up 2FA (two factor authentication)

  2. Add a backup admin - in case you get hacked/ kicked out/ lose your access.

Now I know this seems like extra hassle, and I personally hate hassle - but it is SO WORTH IT knowing that your accounts have a higher level of security in place and less likely to get attacked and hacked by people out there trying to take control over YOUR business assets.

Make sure you set these all up sooner rather than later and protect your business assets 🔐


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